
Special tribute to Ma Yun , China Taobao CEO , after his resignation…

Been a SME and enterprenuer , yes , this is an openERP blog , but there is so much wisdom in what he said which is true when it comes to running our own business … 马云辞职了,留下句句触动心灵的话。 1、马云:我最遗憾的错误   01年,我犯了一个错误,我告诉我的18位共同创业同仁,他们只能做小组经理,而所有的副总裁都得从外面聘请。...

OpenERP Services 服务

OpenERP Services 服务 (Price is valid for Johor , Malaysia , prices varies depending on location)Preliminary Study Services (We offer a service that only require to pay a small amount of fees to assist you to evaluate openERP ) , From RM8000 for 5 Days ....