by kalmen chia | Sep 2, 2016 | Sales, CRM & Inventory Applications
A lot of our SME instant-ERP / Odoo users are asking us how to do they able to check the Sales Order total and also the amount invoiced.Here are the steps :1. First you can goto your Sales Order tab AND then group by the Partner , hint : go to the search box , select...
by kalmen chia | Jun 17, 2015 | Sales, CRM & Inventory Applications
How are you all , SME local Malaysian , after implementation GST , hope you all are doing fine ,here , would like to share some idea about what we have improved existing workflow for the opportunity visit of the salesman , we added route plan and each route plan...
by kalmen chia | Mar 20, 2014 | Sales, CRM & Inventory Applications
I have written FIFO method quite a while ago and now lately , i have seen this module and demo , which some of us , SME , MAlaysia which uses FiFO / LiFO method in calculating your stock values , you can refer to this ,To download the module for...
by kalmen chia | Nov 16, 2010 | Sales, CRM & Inventory Applications
Common check it out … CEO and founder showing the openERP V6 …
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