by Kalmen Chia | May 7, 2022 | Odoo / OpenERP, Uncategorized
I have some questions for the Odoo Enterprise and Odoo Community. #odoo , #odooerp , #odoodevelopment , #odooimplementation , #odoocustomization , #odooapps , Do you have any other thoughts? How about try to answer this question which do not have a right answer, which...
by Kalmen Chia | Apr 15, 2022 | Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Odoo / OpenERP
Hi Odoo community, first we are a Odoo service provider, so perhaps my content will be biased, but you be the judge for what i have to say then. Odoo community can have these groups of people, Odoo Enterprise and Opensource community. And from both of this group, they...
by Kalmen Chia | Apr 10, 2022 | Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Odoo / OpenERP, Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
There are so many Good Odoo Mobile related Modules around, I will be updating them here, you can let me know if you like them , you can click on the link and find out more about them there, (OCA) Web Widget One2Many Product Picker : Look at the pictures. It is not too...
by Kalmen Chia | Sep 14, 2021 | Odoo Experiences & Profile
PRODUCTS Odoo is like Durian, Good? Bad? Odoo look great and performs terribly Odoo is more than a ERP The costs for this system do not represent a value It’s a good full ERP program with marketing and sales...
by Kalmen Chia | Feb 15, 2021 | Odoo Tutorial & Howto Knowledge base
We will learn about the steps by steps how can we login odoo using google, 1. setup google oauth2 – for login using google account , u have to activate your GCP billing and then enable the google API,...
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