
Hi , SME Malaysia/Singapore , it has been a while for my updates … busy trying out new things and exploring OpenERP version 8 and busy deploying my OpenERP offline capable Malaysia Payroll to my existing clients and making openERP compliant with GST MAlaysia 2015. I came across helping an Account dummy (does not know concepts of Accounts and double entries , emmm… she is my wife , trying to get E-Global own accounts record up to date !)

You know what , when try to records these scenario …

1. To record my own claims
2. To record purchase of online cloud tools , paid my cloud’s tools operating expenses … etc
3. To record suppliers / trade creditors invoices and payment … ( i do not use the PAY button found at the supplier invoice).
the complexity came in when there are opening balance / BF from last year , where figures , invoices was NOT ENTERED into
the openERP , my uses Quickbook … from my Dad and i told him that we are partners and we need to do it ourselves , i mean
using openERP ourselves.

and … da da …

and found out …

in general , this is what i concluded when to use the

1. Supplier payment is when you want to record those Creditors …
using it , will basically look for all journal items which require to be reconciled for this partner/supplier.
and make payment and reconcile the items at the same time !

2. Journal voucher came into pictures if you have opening Balance of Creditors and was not recorded using Supplier invoices
then when you make payment to supplier which comprises of current years Journal entries as well as existing years journal

3. Journal entries is useful when none above , or when you want to make an entries which one is related to
partner , one is only journal entries related to Chart of accounts .

but again it is not a fixed method to do the account payable (AP / Purchase Journal / General journal ) because you
can always click the journal items to make it reconcile “able” !

But openERP is definetely be able to do all kind of accounting entries and flexible ! Well it took me to train my
wife to use it with less than 8 hours for a simple Accounting concept , can’t wait to teach her the Version 8 ,
web site builder … dunno whether she will cry or not , anywhere will keep you all updated ,

in conclusion , my wife is dump over account concept but also a little smart one … but with good , competence
teacher , she can get to know how to do it , if she can , you , SME Malaysia and many enterprenuers and smart
businessman , you can too !

Cheers & happy openERPing !