
First of all , thanks for willowIT provide this great tool to help the OpenERP community to have another alternative options for report designing.

I believe to a lot of Malaysia & Singapore local OpenERP communities , it is a good news , but to get this baby running is not so straight forward , at least it requires some technical competency and

I hope the following knowledge can help you all to successfully configure or setup the
OpenERP – Pentaho Report design environment.

What you need are the following files and procedures ,

1. To install the openerp pentaho module (v6.1 & v7.0) to openerp-server
2. To download and install the designer ,
3. To compile openerp pentaho java_server source code and run it as a standalone server

  • 3.1. you need to have a JDK setup , please setup , usually it will be setup at the default directories at c:program filesjava(jdk here) .
  • 3.2. you need to setup ant , i recommend you use winant , here. 
    • Make sure you setup the ANT_HOME , JAVA_HOME , PATH environment variables 
    • Make sure your path can at least reached the winantbin if you are using winant.
  • 3.3. you need to point to the ant directory ( environment , IF you are using winAnt , then it will be     pointing to the bin folder where you can at least find the ant.bat batch file).   To Patch the build.xml of java_server of pentaho , mine having problem when IVY trying to look for log4j .You will need to download and build ivy also , mine , after i downloaded a file , and in command prompt , i build it by  entering “C:ant” , you will need to disable a line in the build.xml in the java_server of the pentaho-openerp , the line “log4j” gave me problem and stop me from successfully building the source. after disable the line , it will download all the necessaries files , compile the war and create build folder after a successful compilation.
  • 3.4. you need to build the war file (pls be patience as this will compile and dowload lots of files )
  • 3.5. you need to run the pentaho openerp report server , at the java_server folder , at command prompt  , enter c:ant launch
  • 3.6 you need to run openerp server , so if you do not know how , then i believe you should forget about all the above lines as well … and let me say good day to you and welcome to visit my blog for instantERP , a Malaysia Localized openERP service provider and we are here to help , call us a call or email to say hello !
  • 3.7. To create the report , 2 youtube video showing how to create object and sql reports
  • 3.8. To upload the report using pentaho-openerp module , please view here
if everything run well , you should be able to print your report  ! Cheers !

Below is how to get from another blog,


Prepare the tomcat server and java environment
Install the correct java jdk
sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
If there are more java environments on the server choose the correct default (openjdk-6-jdk)
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Install the java application server Tomcat
sudo apt-get install tomcat7 tomcat7-docs tomcat7-examples tomcat7-admin
Add an admin user to the webbased admin of tomcat to deploy your war file
sudo vi /etc/tomcat7/tomcat-users.xml
Add the underlying xml between the <tomcat-users> </tomcat-users> of the file you opened
<role rolename="admin-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-gui"/>
<role rolename="manager-script"/>
<role rolename="manager-jmx"/>
<role rolename="manager-status"/>
<user username="admin" password="password" roles="admin-gui,manager-gui,manager-script,manager-jmx,manager-status"/>
Restart tomcat to activate the user and roles
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart
Check if the Tomcat server is running and if you’re able to get in the manager app
Build and deploy Pentaho-reports to tomcat application server
Install Ant and Ivy
sudo apt-get install ant ivy wget unzip
Download and extract Pentaho Reports
mkdir /opt/pentaho_report
cd /opt/pentaho_report
If you have a OpenERP 6.1 Server you need to use the following:
wget https://github.com/WillowIT/Pentaho-reports-for-OpenERP/archive/version61.zip
unzip version61.zip
There is also a good functioning OpenERP 7.0 version:
wget https://github.com/WillowIT/Pentaho-reports-for-OpenERP/archive/version70.zip
unzip version70.zip
Build Java Server for Pentaho Reports (I do the build for version 7, you could do the same for version 61 and even run both versions on 1 server)
cd Pentaho-reports-for-OpenERP-version70
cd java_server
ant -lib /usr/share/java war
If the build is succesfull then a war file “pentaho-reports-for-openerp.war” will be found in the /opt/openerp/pentaho_report/Pentaho-reports-for-OpenERP-version70/java_server/build/jar folder.
You need to deploy this “pentaho-reports-for-openerp.war” on Tomcat.
You can do this in two ways: (I added the route of autodeployement for easy install)
  1. By going to the Tomcat Manager (http://servernameorip:8080/manager)
    Follow the Tomcat instructions for deploying/installing war files. You could use the deploy a war file to upload the war file and create an instance. If you create the war file on a different machine then where you deploy the war file. Check that you use the same java environment.
  2. By copying the war file to the webapps folder of your tomcat installation for autodeployment:
    cp /opt/pentaho_report/Pentaho-reports-for-OpenERP-version70/java_server/build/jar/pentaho-reports-for-openerp.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps
Finally the Pentaho Reports Java Application should be available at http://servernameorip:8080/pentaho-reports-for-openerp