
Hi SME Malaysia and fellow odooer , hope you all are well , a few days ago , i keep receiving complaints from my Odoo’s clients which they are running their E-Commerce on our Cloud platform , but they noticed that …

when it comes to … APPLE DEVICES …

or Iphone … 
ODOO website just do not work properly (however it work fine when it is not running in a https protocol ), i thought that it is because of the Community or Enterprise , went to forum and ask but as i do not own any i-devices so , no where for me to test , i know i can’t tell my customer that , hey , i have tested , it running well in my EMULATOR … after much testing , we found an interesting answer ,

Nginx and LetsEncrypt SSL certificate problem with iOS and Safari : The solution: in your server {  … } block, insert the ssl_session_cache directive with whatever value you deem fit. Example from Nginx documentation: ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;

Save your configuration, reload Nginx, try it again – voila, it’s fixed. Odoo will and should display properly … Hope this little will save you sometimes and make Odoo deployment in your Cloud , Linux environment more enjoyable !!!